Saturday, January 23, 2010

First day with two

Monday was my first day by myself as a mother of two. It was a little daunting but we made it through, with out too many tears shed. Although I did cry when Jorge came home from work, mostly out of sheer exhaustion.

People keep asking how Lori is handling the transition. I'm not sure if she loves being a big sister as much as she loves having baby things around the house. I walked in to the hallway to find this...
One baby on the changing pad and one in the car seat. I think she's handling the transition rather well... don't you?

Lori has been acting up lately. It started a little before Davey was born and it's not horrible, but it is annoying. She has taken to running away from us when we ask her for the thing she's holding, or if she needs to come inside from our walk. I'm not TOO worried since this was bound to happen sooner or later seeing as she's almost two anyway.

She also has become very concerned with giving David anything that is his, be it his blanket, binky or anything else that she thinks he may want or need.

She'll even share her toys with him.

So, that being said, so far so good. I mean we're still in the hormonal/emotional up and down part but I think that's to be expected.

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