I went for a super long walk afterward to clear my head and started having contractions. Those continued all the way through the night. We went to the hospital at 7:00 in the morning on Wednesday and they started the induction process. With in an hour they broke my water, and an hour after that they gave me the epidural! (Man, those things are AMAZING!)
Long story short, I started to feel like I he was comin' and asked the nurse to check and sure enough, he was RIGHT THERE. She called for the Dr who came over and when he check he said "oh wow" and went runnin' to get his things ready cause we were havin' this baby.
3 minutes and 6 pushes later David was born. Afterward, the Dr said that I would have most likely gone in to labor on my own that night if we hadn't induced, AND that if we have any other kids I may not make it to the hospital, considering how fast I tend to have kids. (Lori was only 5.5 hours and 15 min of pushing) So all in all I feel pretty good about the decision to be induced.
Long story short, I started to feel like I he was comin' and asked the nurse to check and sure enough, he was RIGHT THERE. She called for the Dr who came over and when he check he said "oh wow" and went runnin' to get his things ready cause we were havin' this baby.
3 minutes and 6 pushes later David was born. Afterward, the Dr said that I would have most likely gone in to labor on my own that night if we hadn't induced, AND that if we have any other kids I may not make it to the hospital, considering how fast I tend to have kids. (Lori was only 5.5 hours and 15 min of pushing) So all in all I feel pretty good about the decision to be induced.
David Isaac Hernandez
Born January 13, 2010
11:11 am
6 lbs 14 oz
19 inches.
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