We have now reached the 3rd trimester. Arguably the hardest of three and so far... I think I agree. Lori was NEVER this difficult while in the womb (side note... I don't know if I like that word... womb. It sounds weird.) This kid has me on the couch after dinner, lying as flat as possible (while still being able to watch T.V) otherwise he's RIGHT under my rib. Yesterday he actually kicked me so hard under the rib that I was actually sore. It did not appreciate that very much.
At my last Dr. appointment the doctor said that the due date may be as soon as the 14th of January, so I could potentially be a week farther a long than we thought. I found that to be rather exciting.
Here's the picture of my growing belly...

28 Weeks
Third Trimester!!
What a great mom and dad you two are!! It's so fun keeping up with both of you (although, what is it exactly that Jorge does -- take the pictures?).
Jorge, when are you getting on facebook?
Love and miss you both!!
Oh My Goodness!!! You have grown:) I wonder how big this baby is going to be? You look great and happy
Love ya
You are one beautiful preggo lady :) Thinking of you and hoping you have a great day today!
What a great looking rear end you have, Dana! :D I love seeing pictures of your growing belly, and I can't wait to meet the little guy! So Numero Dos is going to have a birthday close to Wyatt, how exciting! Love you! - Crystal -
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