Friday, May 29, 2009

"Yay! It's Summer!! Lets break stuff!"

So today started out like any other day, we go up, showered, Jorge went to work and I got Lori her breakfast and turned on Good Morning America. But then, at 8:30 there was a VERY strong knock on the door, fallowed shortly by the door bell ringing. That made me nervous so I peeked out the window and saw the Constable. Then I was even MORE nervous! I opened the door and he asked me if I had seen my car window. I said no and then we walked outside and that's when I saw this...

and then this...

My first thought was, "Crap, they stole our pack 'n play!!" But no, they didn't steal ANYTHING! Then I thought, maybe it was my "W04" sticker (no jokes please) but I live in Texas, and he's not president anymore, so I ruled that out too. After mentioning that to the Constable, he told me that every year after school gets out for the summer, kids go around and cause destruction just for the "fun" of it. Gah! Well their fun, just cost us 240 bucks!!

Have a good summer kids... geez!


kassaundra said...

what is a constable? is that like a police officer?

His and Hernandez said...

yeah, it's kinda like a neighborhood cop.

Meg said...

Darn kids. :(