Nothing as really changed much since last week, except for the fact that the Dr says he's going to do our 36 week ultrasound at 34 weeks instead, just to be sure he's not small like Lori was. I'm not exactly sure what to think of that, it makes me a little nervous just cause he's being over cautious. It makes me think there might be something he isn't telling me. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that there is nothing to worry about... that sounds like a plan to me.
30 weeks
He would tell you EVERYTHING if there was a real problem.. as a doctor he can't afford not to be open and honest. Bubba numbero duo will be PERFECT like his big sister!!
WHOOHOO look at that belly!!! LOVE IT:)
Love ya,
I love how your belly is getting bigger and your hair is getting longer! Beautiful mama!
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