We are watching Dr. Phil where he's talking about a new TV movie 'Have a little faith' with Martin Landau in it, and when Dr. Phil introduces Martin Landau, describing all his hugely famous friends and all the people he's acted with, I said something like "How is he not dead yet?" to which Jorge says, in all seriousness mind you, "He is." (We watch Martin Landau walk out on to stage) and our conversation goes as fallows.
Me: Uh, no he's not.
Jorge: No really. I thought he died. (checks to see if this is an old episode of Dr. Phil. Its not)
Me: He's not dead.
Jorge: (Genuinely concerned) Well then WHO DIED!?
I checked
wikipedia to make sure cause now he has me thinkin'/remembering something about Martin Landau dying.
Jorge becomes very upset by the idea that Martin Landau is still alive cause he remembers being sad that he died. ("Cause he's the guy from the X-files movie")
I was cracking up so bad that Lori came out of her room to ask "who's laughing?"
I know this is a beyond random post, it was actually supposed to be a Facebook status update that turned out to be too long... so I figured I'd blog it, I just had to share how funny I think Jorge is! I haven't laughed that hard in a long long time! I imagine we'll be watching the X-files movie in the near future.