Here she is giving me a "helping hand"
(for the record she got in there ALL on her own. How, I have no idea seeing as the box is above her waist.)
So Christmas is packed up (mostly) and we're looking ahead to the upcoming year! We have so much to look forward to! The first of these things the birth of our nephew. My sister and her Husband are expecting their first baby, a boy, on February 4th (give or take) and we are so excited! He'll be born in California but I'll get to fly out and visit a few weeks after he's born. :)
We are also very excited to watch Lori grow and to celebrate her 1st birthday in April. I'm already thinking about how to celebrate! We're going to go all out!
In March Jorge's best friend and his wife are coming to visit us. We haven't seen Steve since our wedding and we haven't seen his wife Michelle since there wedding over 5 years ago. They are driving down from Minneapolis to spend a week with us, and bringing their 4 year old daughter with them who we've never met. We recently got reconnected with them thanks to Facebook. (I have say that albeit a GIANT waste of time, facebook sure has done wonders for us by connecting us with LOTS of people we would have only heard from a few times a year at best.) Thank you Facebook!
On top of all that we have a handful of very close friends who are also expecting babies this year so our Houston family will be multiplying greatly. And we can't be more excited!
Here's to 2009! It's going to be a good one!!
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